5500 Buena Vista
Roeland Park, KS 66205
P.O. Box 1063
Mission, KS 66222
© Heartland Regional Alcohol & Drug Assessment Center

Substance Abuse Treatment Specialist - Topeka Correctional Facility - Topeka, KS

The SUD Treatment Specialist will be overseeing Outpatient Substance Abuse treatment in Topeka Correctional Facility. We hire highly energetic, self starters, who can work autonomously and focus on meeting client needs from a holistic, integrated strengths based model.

The programs used by Heartland RADAC at TCF integrate the following curriculum to guide the group discussions and treatment. Both programs are highly effective and successful in working with a population in criminal justice settings.

  • Helping Women Recover - by Stephanie Covington
  • Substance Abuse Program - Cognitive Behavioral Change Model --- Developed by the University of Cincinnati

• Providing ongoing treatment and discharge planning through the treatment process
• Facilitating therapeutic treatment groups & individual sessions
• Implementing clinically appropriate treatment curriculum
• Develop and review ongoing treatment plans to meet client specific needs
• Administering an ASAM oriented Drug & Alcohol Assessment, and other screening tools to determine a chemical dependency diagnosis
• Rating the severity of alcohol/drug use & recommending an appropriate placement at the safest and most clinically appropriate level of care in a treatment setting that matches the client needs
• Assessing ongoing need for continued care upon release
• Generating clinically appropriate referrals into community based recovery oriented systems of care


  • Bachelor’s degree / Master's degree preferred
  • Licensure through the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board (BSRB) of KS is required.
    • LAC – Licensed Addictions Counselor
    • LMAC – Licensed Masters Addictions Counselor
    • LCAC – Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor
  • Computer skills require familiarity with Microsoft Office programs including Word, Excel & Outlook
  • Ability to document client progress in electronic medical record
  • Excellent interpersonal skills required - verbal & written
  • Attention to detail with timely documentation & reporting
  • Ability to work autonomously and effectively with the public & staff
  • A demonstrated ability to work effectively with diverse populations
  • Bi-lingual skills a plus

Application Instructions:

For more information, contact:
Kris Carnahan, Director of Operations & Administrative Services
Heartland Regional Alcohol & Drug Assessment Center
913-789-0952 or 1-800-281-0029
Send resume to: kris@hradac.com